Thursday, October 6, 2011

How to Use Runes for Divination

How to Use Runes for Divination
By J.M. Willhite, eHow Contributor

Rune stones have been used for centuries as a divining tool. Rune stones fall into the same family as the tarot and pendulum. Each rune stone is

inscribed with a symbol that has a meaning. Some individuals use their own interpretations for the symbols, while others take the more traditional

approach. Whichever way you wish to pursue, be sure to be at least familiar with the symbols and meanings.

Difficulty: Moderately Easy

Things You'll Need:
Set of rune stones
Flat surface
Pen/pencil (optional)
Paper (optional)
Single Stone Reading

1.Clear and focus your mind. Hold the bag of stones in your receptive hand.
2.With the fingers of your receptive hand, "shuffle" the stones in the bag to mix them up.
3.Either mentally or aloud, ask your first question and take a stone from the bag. Read the symbol inscribed on the stone. If you need further clarification,

take another stone from the bag and interpret its symbol. If you find that you need yet another stone for clarification, you may want to return all the stones

to the bag and rephrase your question.
4.If you are taking notes on the reading, be sure to write down the date, time and place of the reading and what kind of reading was used (ie: single stone


Four Stone Reading
1.Clear and focus your mind. Hold the bag of stones in your receptive hand and concentrate on your intent.
2.With the fingers of your receptive hand, "shuffle" the stones in the bag to mix them up.
3.Either mentally or aloud, ask your question. Remove four stones, one at a time, from the bag. Read each stone's inscription before you place it on the

flat surface where you are working.
4.From left to right, lay out the stones that you have chosen. The first stone represents past influences, second stone represents current influences, third

stone represents future influences and the fourth represents the overall energies/lessons if all behaviors remain unchanged.
5.Once again, if you are taking notes on the reading, be sure to write down the date, time, place and type of reading (ie: four stone reading).

Read more: How to Use Runes for Divination |

Tips & Warnings

Before approaching this reading, you may wish to ask Spirit, or whichever Divinity you feel most comfortable working with, to guide your reading. If you

invite Spirit, remember when the session is done to thank Spirit for the guidance received.
Once you have become comfortable working with the runes, you can experiment and discover your own types of layouts. Just as working with the tarot,

you can discover those spreads that work best for you.
Same as with other tools of divination, remember to cleanse and charge your stones before each use and to cleanse them following each use.
Do not attempt this or any other working if you are under the influence of a controlled substance. You need to approach this with a clear and focused


Read more: How to Use Runes for Divination |

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